Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Mind Power 365

When I find interesting sites relating to the law of attraction I like to post them here!

Mindpower 365 has a Facebook site that has lots of good and inspiring information on it! There are a lot of positive affirmations there as well and if you already belong to Facebook you'll be able to add your comments as well.

Here is one of their positive affirmations:

Positive Affirmation of The Day: Thank you Lord for watching over the gate of my mind letting no negative thought enter today. All my needs will be met, for with you there is no lack. I am healthy because with you there is no sickness. All the right doors open for me today for your divine plan for me is perfect.

I still haven't completely learned the ins and outs of Facebook yet but this is a site that I would definitely like to join!

Mind Power 365 Fan Page!